Qwest is the UK’s only independent quality assessor operating across all sectors of the wedding industry, dedicated to identifying Quality Wedding Establishments. Qwest professionals are assessed annually to monitor and maintain consistent high standards, whilst always striving for perfection through improvement and development.
Wedding specialists apply to be assessed in 16 categories covering all round business practice and ethics. Only those that meet the Qwest Standard and agree to abide by the Qwest Code of Conduct will achieve Quality Wedding Establishment Status.

We set the standards for business practice within the wedding industry to help provide bridal couples peace of mind when planning for their big day.

Qwest recognised a need for its services through comprehensive and on going research over the past 5 years. Qwest is passionate about the industry the professionals who work in it and the people who invest in it. Feedback is encouraged from everyone involved in Qwest in order to continuously improve standards. So if you have any comments, questions or suggestions please go to our contacts page we would love to hear from you!

Qwest is the wedding industry’s only objective guide, recommending local suppliers who have proven business excellence in their sector. Before Qwest, there was no way of knowing which companies to trust. With Qwest, weddings can be planned with complete confidence.

Much of the work of wedding suppliers is artistic and therefore subjective so it is up to you to choose which styles you like, Qwest are here to assess and ensure quality business practice.
All Qwest members have passed a rigorous and detailed assessment process that covers all areas of running a business with a tailored wedding service. The professionals who have demonstrated and proven their excellence as Quality Wedding Establishments can be easily identified by displaying the Qwest logo.
Qwest’s services are free to the public. Once registered planning can be simple and efficient with a personal Qwest profile and count down to the wedding. My Wedding tools include a simple chat room to encourage idea sharing with others in your local area. The Qwest Vendor search tool will help organise interests, enquiries and suppliers booked. Qwest will help with tips and advice, such as what to ask potential suppliers and what you need to know to help make the right decisions. Qwest’s local News and Events and monthly E-Newsletter, includes all of the latest wedding-related news in the local area. All of Qwest’s services are free and tailored to help with the organising, planning and budgeting leading up to the big day.
All Quality Wedding Establishments have met the criteria of the assessment, have agreed to strive for continuous development and work by the Qwest Code of Conduct. A business cannot pay to become a Quality Wedding Establishment but does pay to be assessed. Qwest does it utmost to ensure that only professionally ran companies are associated with the Qwest name. However, Qwest cannot be held responsible for any contracts held between supplier and client.